Meet our beneficiary Mirelite Mirsa from Hungary!

Our Hungarian beneficiary Mirelite Mirsa has been part of the second round of digital twin deployment experiments which run since September 2023 and are due to end in the upcoming weeks. Mirelite Mirsa is a food processing company and the goal of their digital twin is to increase the efficiency of fruits and vegetables processing before they are frozen. We asked their technology consultant Gergély Boromisza to tell us more about their digital twin.

Digital twin for MIRELITE MIRSA Zrt. in a nutshell

First of all, please introduce your company – where is it located, how many employees it has and what does it specialize in: 

MIRELITE MIRSA Zrt., a family-owned business, is one of the market leading food processing companies in the Central European region. The company takes pride in processing almost all types of cultivated vegetables and fruits available in Hungary, tracking the produce’s journey from seed to consumer, and, as such, overseeing the entire supply chain from production to harvesting – while also ensuring compliance with the highest food safety standards.  

What is the purpose of the digital twin that you have created/deployed?  

The key objective of our digital twin is to provide a real-time simulation of our vegetable blanching process to ensure the best product quality, along with optimal energy consumption.  

Has the digital twin fulfilled your expectations? Which improvements did it bring for your company? 

The use of this digital twin has already helped optimizing multiple processes within our operations: the dynamic synchronizing of the vegetable heating and chilling processes with our mass flow has boosted resource efficiency, reduced energy and water consumption, optimized costs and waste of food, improved food safety and quality for our company. 

What are your plans for the near future with the digital twin? 

Once our digital twin is fully operational, we intend to enrich its functionality and elevate its impact it by incorporating more operational processes into this digital platform. 

Gergély Boromisza explaining the digital twin for MIRELITE MIRSA Zrt. in September 2023

“The development and the implementation of our digital twin have been the first major step towards the state-of-the-art digitization of our operations. We are eager to see that operational improvement and efficiency are already palpable and there is more to come.”

Dr. József Losó, majority owner and president of MIRELITE MIRSA Zrt.